OpenAI Releases New Model GPT-4o: Here are the Complete Details


OpenAI! has recently launched its next generation of the futuristic ChatGPT. After the success of its previous model ChatGPT 3.5, announced on Mar 15, 2022, Sam Altman moved forward to another upgrade that would enhance computer and human interaction. Hence the latest model GPT-4o was released on Mar 14, 2024.

ChatGPT 4o, where the ‘o’ stands for ‘omni’ is an improved version of the Artificially Intelligent program. While the word omni means everything or all, people have certain concerns about the new name. Whether it is going to be available for everyone or if the California-based company is planning to establish an omnipresent image in our lives.

Well, according to OpenAI, GPT’s flagship model is titled Omni as the term represents “a step towards much more natural human-computer interaction”

Last week, on Monday, the chief technology officer, Mira Murati, mentioned a few points about GPT 4o during a live stream. According to her, this new iteration when compared to the previous model of GPT is much faster and consists of high-end features and capabilities across text, vision, and audio.

When asked about its availability for all the users, she stated that this version “brings GPT-4-level intelligence to everything, including our free users.” What’s interesting about GPT 4o is that regardless of its free version, the program has appeared version with a subscription fee of $20 per month.

The reason that makes it worthy of the investment is that “paid users will have up to five times the capacity limits of free users.

With all the statements given by the CTO, more people are sharing their interest in using the AI model. Because it is mentioned by Altman as ‘natively multimodal’, ChatGPT 4o makes a perfect choice, for conversation equations, and plenty of other time taking tasks.

Concisely, it accepts inputs in the form of audio, image, or text and delivers output in the same forms of audio, imagery, and text in real time. Let us look forward to a few details discussed about the model as per different resources.

Details About The GPT-4o Model

ChatGPT 4o is the latest iteration of the AI program with multimodal capabilities. Prior to it, Altman launched ChatGPT 4 Turbo by the end of 2023. It was a faster version than its predecessor and analyzed larger chunks of text in a short time.

Regardless of its improved features, Altman looked for a better version. Hence, he released GPT 4o, which is capable enough to operate at a two times faster speed. Also, it costs half the price of GPT Turbo for paid users.

Its performance for English text is outstanding and similar to human conversation. Moreover, it can also operate in a variety of languages other than English. Users are going to love this model’s understanding of images and audio at a much faster rate.

In the previous version of GPT, users were allowed to use voice input. However, it was a time-consuming process that was used to convert the voice input into text, then respond to it in the form of text, and finally convert the output version into audio again. Due to this lengthy process, plenty of information was lost in the conversation.

However, this module is much faster as it handles text, image, and audio inputs at once and delivers their respective results in real-time.

According to OpenAI’s Head of Frontier Research, Mark Chen, “With new real-time conversational speech functionality, you can interrupt the model, you don’t have to wait for a response and the model picks up on your emotions.

Interacting With The Latest ChatGPT 4o

For the upgraded version, users get the opportunity to share screenshots or videos with the AI program. it gives a great way to start a friendly conversation or find a solution to a problem that is complex enough to explain in text or audio.

Moreover, this platform is capable enough of keeping a history of users’ conversations. Hence, you can always ask GPT 4o about your discussions in the past. for the sharing of images, users also get the privilege to discuss charts and data analysis reports, which may help them in complex educational projects and office reports.

What’s more to this model is its ability to share links and videos with Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive easily.

Conversation With The New ChatGPT-4o

According to a few reports, GPT 4o is efficient enough to make human-like conversations with every user. unlike previous models, it can process audio inputs and outputs in 232 milliseconds. On average, this duration lasts to 320 milliseconds which is similar to the response of a human.

Because this model performs in more than 50 languages, it demands the use of different tokens for every language. You can consider tokens as the basic unit of AI that this program uses to calculate the length of the text or enhance the results through punctuation marks and numbers.

Here are the details for the tokenization of 20 languages that may help users understand the performance of this model.

Gujarati 4.4x fewer tokens (from 145 to 33)હેલો, મારું નામ જીપીટી-4o છે. હું એક નવા પ્રકારનું ભાષા મોડલ છું. તમને મળીને સારું લાગ્યું!
Telugu 3.5x fewer tokens (from 159 to 45)నమస్కారము, నా పేరు జీపీటీ-4o. నేను ఒక్క కొత్త రకమైన భాషా మోడల్ ని. మిమ్మల్ని కలిసినందుకు సంతోషం!
Tamil 3.3x fewer tokens (from 116 to 35)வணக்கம், என் பெயர் ஜிபிடி-4o. நான் ஒரு புதிய வகை மொழி மாடல். உங்களை சந்தித்ததில் மகிழ்ச்சி!
Marathi 2.9x fewer tokens (from 96 to 33)नमस्कार, माझे नाव जीपीटी-4o आहे| मी एक नवीन प्रकारची भाषा मॉडेल आहे| तुम्हाला भेटून आनंद झाला!
Hindi 2.9x fewer tokens (from 90 to 31)नमस्ते, मेरा नाम जीपीटी-4o है। मैं एक नए प्रकार का भाषा मॉडल हूँ। आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा!
Urdu 2.5x fewer tokens (from 82 to 33)ہیلو، میرا نام جی پی ٹی-4o ہے۔ میں ایک نئے قسم کا زبان ماڈل ہوں، آپ سے مل کر اچھا لگا!
Arabic 2.0x fewer tokens (from 53 to 26)مرحبًا، اسمي جي بي تي-4o. أنا نوع جديد من نموذج اللغة، سررت بلقائك!
Persian 1.9x fewer tokens (from 61 to 32)سلام، اسم من جی پی تی-۴او است. من یک نوع جدیدی از مدل زبانی هستم، از ملاقات شما خوشبختم!
Russian 1.7x fewer tokens (from 39 to 23)Привет, меня зовут GPT-4o. Я — новая языковая модель, приятно познакомиться!
Korean 1.7x fewer tokens (from 45 to 27)안녕하세요, 제 이름은 GPT-4o입니다. 저는 새로운 유형의 언어 모델입니다, 만나서 반갑습니다!
Vietnamese 1.5x fewer tokens (from 46 to 30)Xin chào, tên tôi là GPT-4o. Tôi là một loại mô hình ngôn ngữ mới, rất vui được gặp bạn!
Chinese 1.4x fewer tokens (from 34 to 24)你好,我的名字是GPT-4o。我是一种新型的语言模型,很高兴见到你!
Japanese 1.4x fewer tokens (from 37 to 26)こんにちは、私の名前はGPT-4oです。私は新しいタイプの言語モデルです。初めまして!
Turkish 1.3x fewer tokens (from 39 to 30)Merhaba, benim adım GPT-4o. Ben yeni bir dil modeli türüyüm, tanıştığımıza memnun oldum!
Italian 1.2x fewer tokens (from 34 to 28)Ciao, mi chiamo GPT-4o. Sono un nuovo tipo di modello linguistico, piacere di conoscerti!
German 1.2x fewer tokens (from 34 to 29)Hallo, mein Name is GPT-4o. Ich bin ein neues KI-Sprachmodell. Es ist schön, dich kennenzulernen.
Spanish 1.1x fewer tokens (from 29 to 26)Hola, me llamo GPT-4o. Soy un nuevo tipo de modelo de lenguaje, ¡es un placer conocerte!
Portuguese 1.1x fewer tokens (from 30 to 27)Olá, meu nome é GPT-4o. Sou um novo tipo de modelo de linguagem, é um prazer conhecê-lo!
French 1.1x fewer tokens (from 31 to 28)Bonjour, je m’appelle GPT-4o. Je suis un nouveau type de modèle de langage, c’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer!
English 1.1x fewer tokens (from 27 to 24)Hello, my name is GPT-4o. I’m a new type of language model, it’s nice to meet you!

What’s Next?

Even though the latest model of GPT is delivering a seamless performance for users, open AI has future plans for better versions. As the CTO said earlier during her livestream, “We also care a lot about the next frontier. So soon we’ll be updating you on our progress towards the next big thing.

Picture of Alena James

Alena James

Alena James is a technology lover who is impassioned about investigating the most recent developments and trends in the digital realm. With an exceptional ability to simplify sophisticated ideas, her mission is to ensure that technology is accessible to all. Observations and updates on everything technological are provided in a straightforward manner.

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